+43 660 23 36 611
Managing Director:
Brand Daniel, MSc
Burzec Wojciech, MSc
Manufacture and reprocessing as well as rental of medical devices, insofar as these activities do not fall under another regulated trade, and trade with and rental of medical devices, restricted to the trade with and rental of medical devices for physiotherapeutic use in the fields of thermotherapy and electrostimulation
VAT number: ATU76400529
Company registration number: FN 547888v
Commercial register court: Commercial Court of Vienna
Company headquarters in Vienna
Address: Kleingartenverein (KGV) An der Schanze 10, 1210 Vienna
Memberships in the Chamber of Commerce organization
Member of the WKÖ, specialist group photo,
optics and medical products trade
Applicable legislation:
Trade regulations (www.ris.bka.gv.at)
Supervisory authority/trade authority:
Municipal District Office for the 21st district
Information on online dispute resolution:
Consumers have the opportunity to make complaints
to the online dispute resolution platform of the EU
to judge: http://ec.europa.eu/odr
You can also report any complaints directly
to us: info@repros.at